Celebrities coming together to pay respect to Nipsey Hussle

Written by on April 13, 2019

the world witnessed one of the biggest funerals in America with various celebrities coming together to pay respect to Nipsey Hussle. It is somewhat at time like a disturbing cliche, seeing soo many rich and popular figures who do absolutely nothing for their community, standing at the podiums commending a social activist for doing things they won’t even consider doing.
Nipsey Hussle: Yeah, it’s a country in East Africa. My mom is American, so I was raised in her household in my formative years. But as I got older, my pops tried to keep me involved with the culture by telling me the stories of the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea, how he came to America, and about our family back home, because all that side of my family, my aunties, grandparents, is in Africa. When I went back home in 2004, I went for three months. That was my first time in Africa at all. My first time meeting my Granny, aunties, and cousins. It was me, my brother, and my pops.
After growing up in Los Angeles Nispey to much effort to work on his community through his rap and business ethics. In fact his methods are not so far fetched from the ways you will see many East Africans work in the West. Very tight communities that help each other. Only difference in this case is Nipsey’s hustle was for his whole hood and not only his East African community if there was one there.
It seems every since his murder by a police information (aka a snitch) everything may have come to a hault. Or even worst, transitioned into the hands of individuals that may not have had the same line of work as him. In all honesty, how does a documentary of Dr.Seb, a natural healer who beat the courts in his claims of finding a cure to aids, transition into the hands of Nick Cannon. What can we expect from Nick Cannon in this field? Would it even carry half the message. That is a whole another conversation. But the reality is if these individuals Nipsey’s work is transitioning to even cared half as much as he did for the people and stopping gang violence, changes would have been made by now.
The bottom line is Africa needs to be more intuned with Nipsey, it’s a shame this is only becoming an issue after the brother’s death, but yes, it is sad that such a valuable figure and a product of Africa-America and Africa has passed away and his death is so silent here.

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